Tuesday 23 August 2011


 BEST MOVEI I WATCED IS ALICE  IN WONDERLAND  provides background information for the characters. The members of the boating party that first heard Carroll's tale show up in Chapter 3 ("A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale"). Alice Liddell herself is there, while Carroll is caricatured as the Dodo (because Dodgson stuttered when he spoke, he sometimes pronounced his last name as Dodo-Dodgson.) The Duck refers to Canon Duckworth, the Lory to Lorina Liddell, and the Eaglet to Edith Liddell (Alice Liddell's sisters).[4]

Bill the Lizard may be a play on the name of British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.[5] One of Tenniel's illustrations in Through the Looking-Glass depicts the character referred to as the "Man in White Paper" (whom Alice meets as a fellow passenger riding on the train with her), as a caricature of Disraeli, wearing a paper hat.[6] The illustrations of the Lion and the Unicorn also bear a striking resemblance to Tenniel's Punch illustrations of Gladstone and Disraeli.[7]
The Hatter is most likely a reference to Theophilus Carter, a furniture dealer known in Oxford for his unorthodox inventions. Tenniel apparently drew the Hatter to resemble Carter, on a suggestion of Carroll's.[8] The Dormouse tells a story about three little sisters named Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie. These are the Liddell sisters: Elsie is L.C. (Lorina Charlotte), Tillie is Edith (her family nickname is Matilda), and Lacie is an anagram of Alice.[9]
The Mock Turtle speaks of a Drawling-master, "an old conger eel", who came once a week to teach "Drawling, Stretching, and Fainting in Coils". This is a reference to the art critic John Ruskin, who came once a week to the Liddell house to teach the children drawingsketching, and painting in oils. (The children did, in fact, learn well; Alice Liddell, for one, produced a number of skilled watercolours.)[10]
File:Alice's Adventures Under Ground, by Lewis Carroll - facsimile page - Project Gutenberg eText 19002.jpg
The Mock Turtle also sings "Beautiful Soup". This is a parody of a song called "Star of the Evening, Beautiful Star", which was performed as a trio by Lorina, Alice and Edith Liddell for Lewis Carroll in the Liddell home during the same summer in which he first told the story of Alice's Adventures Under Ground

Monday 8 August 2011

The cute one your pup

Getting a new puppy can be very exciting, but it brings with it the responsibility of providing new puppy care. Whether your puppy is a Pomeranian or a Chihuahua, puppy care needs to be thought about and acted upon, to make sure your puppy remains happy and healthy. This article will provide you with my puppy care tips to help you take good care of your new puppy dog.
Facts to Consider for Puppy Care
There are certain facts you need to consider when taking care of your puppy. They are: 
There are many things a dog owner needs to consider when providing an environment for their puppy. There are three main factors to take into consideration when preparing an environment for your puppy; comfort, safety and amusement.
Your puppy’s environment needs to be comfortable. Create a comfortable bed for your puppy to sleep on that is sheltered and warm. Include a blanket if you think your puppy needs some extra warmth. 
Your puppy’s environment needs to be safe. Remove anything that may be harmful to your dog. Remember that puppies are very inquisitive and may get into things that are left lying around.
Puppies get bored easily. Include lots of toys and things for your puppy to play with. This is particularly important when you are unable to spend time with your dog. A puppy that is bored may whine, run away or destroy things around the backyard
Puppies need to eat a balanced diet that is made up of foods appropriate for puppies. There are foods available on the market that are specially made for puppies, and include all the necessary nutrients and foods that a puppy needs. However, it is not essential to buy special puppy food. Puppy owners can give their puppy a balanced, nutritious diet by feeding it natural foods. Some of the good foods for puppies are:
  • Milk
  • Chicken
  • Chicken heart
  • Oatmeal
  • Vegetables
  • Boiled rice
  • Carrots
  • Cheese.
If you decide to feed your dog natural home-made food, then you may need to talk to your veterinary surgeon about supplements. If a puppy is not getting enough calcium or vitamins, then supplements will be needed.

Puppies should be fed at the same time and place each day. They will need four meals a day until they are four months old. After that they will need three meals a day until they are eight months old. They will need two meals a day until they are twelve months old, and then one meal a day after that.
When puppies are born, they may have some protection against diseases if their mother has been vaccinated. The protection comes through in the mother’s milk. Puppies need to be vaccinated at about six weeks to nine weeks of age. Some puppies may not be able to be vaccinated at this age. A veterinary surgeon will be able to tell you the best time for your puppy to be vaccinated.

After the initial vaccination, booster vaccinations will need to be given. Generally, these are given three weeks after the initial vaccination. 

Different dogs may need to be vaccinated against different diseases. Some of the diseases your dog may be vaccinated against include distemper, parvovirus, parainfluenza, lyme disease, rabies and coronavirus.

When you take your puppy to be vaccinated, ask the vet to perform a routine check-up and discuss any puppy health concerns with him or her.
Prevention of Rabies
Rabies is a very serious illness that is transmitted in the saliva of an infected animal. It is very important that your puppy receive a vaccination against this disease. Talk to your vet about the best time to get your puppy’s first rabies vaccination. Different vets do the vaccination at different times. You should also check what the regulations are in your state regarding rabies vaccination and find out by what time you will legally need to have your dog vaccinated. remember take care of your cute one 

beauty hair

If I ask, 'how much time do you spend on your hair?', the answers may vary and definitely the ones saying 'too much' won't be satisfied at the end of the whole exercise of hair grooming. So, is that the case with you too? Reasons for this might be many, like having extremely frizzy hair, curly hair or very dense and wavy hair. You might have also tried cutting your hair to short length from time to time, with expectations of having straight hair. Or, you might be keeping your hair short for easy maintenance, irrespective of the fact that you love long hair. Alright, then for all of you who are eager to get rid of this problem, here's the good news. Learn how to straighten hair and forget the tangles. Here are the hair straightening tips, follow them and love your hair.

Straightening Gel: This is one of the easy to use hair straighteners. This should be used by those with wavy hair or having slight curls.
First, clean your hair with your regular shampoo followed by a conditioner.
Once you are done with the washing process, wring a towel on your hair. After 15 minutes remove the towel and dry your hair with another dry towel.
Apply straightening gel after towel drying.
Now, blow dry by taking one section at a time. Comb it with a flat small toothed brush while you blow dry. You will take some time to master the exact process of how to straighten hair.
Once you are done, apply a cream or gel to keep it straight and non-frizzy. This condition will last for about 2 - 3 days.
Straightening Iron: Remember that you are going to use a electronic appliance. So, extra care has to be taken. Read the following instructions before you buy one:
Go for a branded straightening iron.
The one with ceramic plates will be the best. Also, a ceramic coated hair iron is known to be kinder to your hair than others.
Adjustable temperature setting will be a bonus. You will need to experiment it for the first few times to know the ideal temperature for your hair.
Opt for those with smaller plates if your hair is short or medium length. Go for wider plates if your hair is long or thick.
Though you may find that the high heat setting gives fast results, try using lower setting for fine hair and higher setting for thick.
Don't purchase a heavy straightening iron. If your arm starts paining, you won't be able to achieve the best results.
Tips for Hair Straightening with Straightening Iron
Wash you hair with a shampoo. Use a conditioner followed by a thorough rinse with water.
Dry your hair completely or else the iron may have no effect on your hair. Avoid blow drying.
Brush hair thoroughly and make it free of tangles.
Applying a heat protection product will help to keep your hair away from damage.
Take a section of your hair and tie the rest of it with claw clips. Start with the underneath layers.
Hold the iron as close as possible to the roots and slide it through the length of the hair. Maintain the same pressure from roots to ends. Follow this step with each section.
Once all the sections are done, brush them and look at the beauty in your mirror. This will last till you wash your hair the next time.
Chemical Hair Straightening: This is known to last for about 5 - 6 months. But, the duration varies depending on the hair texture. You can buy a chemical hair straightening kit available in the market and do the following procedure at home to have those beautiful locks.


Step 1: First, mix the chemicals as given in the kit instructions leaflet.

Step 2: Place a towel around your neck to avoid skin irritation.

Step 3: Start applying the straightening cream section by section. While you work on one section, keep the rest of the hair tied above. Starting from the nape, work upwards.

Step 4: Apply the straightening cream with a hair brush thoroughly to cover the sections properly. You need to be fast while doing this; as you have to comb the hair once all sections are covered, and the hair becomes hard because of the chemicals.

Step 5: So, as mentioned above, once you cover all your hair, comb it straight downwards. Keep combing for about 10 - 15 minutes and then rinse your hair. Make sure all the cream is gone.

Step 6: Now apply the neutralizing cream all over your hair.

Step 7: Wait for 20 minutes.

Step 8: Rinse your hair to remove the cream. Shampoo and condition your hair.

You can follow the above hair straightening tips, considering your requirements and have the gorgeous looking straight locks. Remember to take extra hair care after the straightening process. Use a good hair conditioner after each wash. Also, trim the hair regularly to prevent split ends. Now that, 'how to straighten hair' is no more a big worry for you, just do it and get ready to show off your straight and shiny hair to the world.